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Cassete AIr Conditioners AUX

The professional line of AUX cassette air conditioners offers an aesthetic and efficient solution for heating and cooling rooms with suspended ceilings, such as offices, conference rooms, restaurants, and shops. These units provide 360° air distribution, ensuring greater comfort and achieving a consistent temperature throughout the space.

Cassette Air Conditioners

Quiet and efficient, AUX cassette units are ideal for commercial interiors with suspended ceilings, including offices, conference rooms, restaurants, and other commercial spaces. With 360° circumferential airflow technology and a quick cooling/heating function, they ensure comfortable conditions throughout the entire room.

The AUX cassette air conditioner, with its specially designed decorative panel, ensures effective air distribution that reaches every part of the room, providing maximum comfort to all users. Additional outlets in the corners of the panel allow air to be blown in all directions, eliminating zones with uneven temperature distribution. The circumferential air supply technology provides a 360° cooled airflow, guaranteeing efficient air-conditioning, even in large rooms.

Dyqan i specializuar për artikuj efiçientë deri A+++ apo mbi 70%, Klima,Pompa Termike, Shitje-Montim!

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